Choose your language: English!

If you have been following me for a while, you will know that I've always wanted to post about my passions in English as well. But since I'm from Belgium, and my native language is Dutch, I've always posted in my native language and never dared to step out of my comfort zone. Last night, I decided that I wanted to pursue this idea, so now you can read my posts in English as well! Want some more information? Have a read!

Who am I?

If you have never visited this blog before, it may be a good idea to get to know me a bit better.

- Name: Fien.
- Age: 21 years old, turning 22 in August.
- Passions: beauty & fashion.
- Buys way too many lipsticks.
- Business administration student.
- Blogs almost everyday.

This blog also has a Dutch version, so if you're from the Netherlands or Belgium, you can go ahead and select "Nederlands" on my home page. 

Well, this is it for my first post! I will create a lot more content for you guys in the upcoming weeks and I'm so excited to start this new adventure! Are you with me?



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